Getting out of our comfort zone.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of trying something new, at the encouragement of my lovely friend RaeAnn. SUP Yoga (Stand Up Paddleboard) was something I have only recently heard of. Off we went to take our class, we rented our boards and paddled to our outdoor "room" to begin our practice. As we were getting settled, anchored and whatnot, I realized that I was in a class full of Yoga instructors. Not YogaFit girls (a shorter certification), but full on Yogi's! Alrighty then, I have practiced yoga over many years but these ladies were the real deal!

We began our practice. It was hard, very challenging to learn how to enter & hold poses on a moving platform. I felt awkward, shaky, peaceful, happy, and clumsy pretty much throughout the class. Not unhappy or judged, but of course judging myself at times for my fear (I hate falling into water, especially the murky Lake Q!). Being with the Yogi's in class gave me inspiration to keep pushing myself and fighting my fear of falling (standing into the Warrior pose had me in a full on sweat, LOL), I was NOT going to give up, even if it meant tipping over (which I did not, yay!).

I knew our instructor was going to snap some pix during class, but had no idea when that was happening. When she posted the pix, I was very surprised to see that my form was not horrible at all, compared to how I felt. Made me start thinking about perspective. How many times do we feel awkward & self conscious trying something new or challenging? Sometimes to the point of not trying at all, for fear of looking foolish, or being laughed at or judged?

These fears are NORMAL, everyone has them, but what makes us stronger is this choice; do we let the fear of failure stop of from trying new things? From moving forward in our life journey? Many times we THINK we look, perform, or appear much worse than we actually do, because fear amplifies our negative perspective.

Do we march on, fall, get up, succeed, fail, try again, until we know at least we tried? Sometimes we WILL fall & fail, but what if you don't? What if you succeed? What if you can look back and think, hey, that wasn't so bad, I wasn't so awful, I actually did....good? great? You never know until you try! Namaste my friends, have a spectacular day!